About us

“Canada is our library from Coast to Coast to Coast”

- LAC Foundation

About the LAC Foundation

We are an independent non-governmental registered charity that supports Library and Archives Canada (LAC) in its mission to collect, preserve, and make it easier to access and share the stories, memories and knowledge that foster the sense, meaning and identity of Canada as it has evolved throughout our shared history.

Our mission

Our mission is to support LAC as it preserves, protects and enhances the treasures of Canada’s heritage it houses and to ensure that LAC’s collection is as accessible as possible to Canadians across our country and to those wishing to gain greater appreciation of our heritage around the world.

The Foundation will highlight LAC’s collection and position LAC as a vibrant institution in our domestic and international cultural ecosystem. The Foundation will focus on sharing the treasures of our past, and making history accessible, thereby fostering innovation now and in the future and instilling inspiration to spark creation.

The Foundation will focus on raising funds to support national, regional, and international, programming and partnerships, to grow and preserve the collection, and to promote LAC in support of its Mission.

The concept of “Canada is our Library from Coast to Coast to Coast” will be a guide to strengthen the network of libraries and archives across Canada, and to ensure greater collaboration through regional and national programs.

Our Goal

Our goal is to enhance the visibility of LAC and to position it as a creative force in our cultural ecosystem– to share knowledge of our past, and make our history more accessible, helping to inspire innovation and creation through its national and regional programs.

Roseann O'Reilly Runte Photo
Roseann O'Reilly Runte
Shelley Ambrose Photo
Shelley Ambrose
Michael G Adams Photo
Michael G. Adams
Jacques J.M. Shore Photo
Jacques J.M. Shore
Robert Ghiz
Robert Ghiz
Blake Goldring Photo
Blake C. Goldring
Rory Capern Photo
Rory Capern
Photo of Marlene Jennings
Marlene Jennings
Photo of Deborah Yedlin
Deborah Yedlin
Kevin Hanson Photo
Kevin Hanson
Ron Cohen Photo
Ronald Cohen
Jon Dellandrea photograph on dark background
Jon Dellandrea
Mike DeGagné
Mike DeGagné